Monday, October 22, 2012

Angle Finder

Q: What is an Angle Finder?
A: An angle finder is a tool used to find angles.
Q: How can a make an angle finder?
A: Easy, 1. Gather materials (index card and pencil)
               2. The corner of the index card is 90 degrees , draw with the pencil the angle.
               3. The bottom of the index card is 180 degrees, label with pencil.
After you have made your angle finder you can start exploring and finding angles around your environment.

Acute angles are < 90 degrees.
Obtuse angles are >90 degrees but <180 degrees.
Right angles are 90 degrees.
Straight angles are 180 degrees.

1 comment:

  1. Not only are you creative but your blogs are also very informative and helpful to students. Even though I don't really like math I actually enjoyed viewing your blogs.
